How long does it last ?How long your desired results last depends on your lifestyle and skin type. There’s no guarantee of how long it will last as every person differs but I estimate on average around 12-18 months. The colour won’t change but simply slowly fades over time.
Does it hurt?Most people who have microblading done report only feeling some minor pressure or slight discomfort throughout the procedure. Some say it feels like their brows are being scratched. However, everyone has different pain tolerances so if one finds the process uncomfortable a topical numbing anaesthetic can be applied to the eyebrow area.
Should I shape/pluck my brows before the treatment?No need to shape your brows before you have the treatment, if necessary it will be done at your appointment.
How do I know if I will be happy with the shape of the brows?The shape of the brows will be drawn on before the treatment starts. If you require any changes to the shape later it will be done in the Top up session.
Can I get my new brows wet or go in the sunshine?It is so important that you protect your eyebrows after treatment for at least 14 days. Keep them dry… The absolute best results come from keeping your brows extremely DRY for 14 days! Keeping them dry makes them retain more detail, better colour, and more crisp strokes. Avoid getting eye creams/make-up on the brows and try not to touch the brow area with your fingers for 14 days. * Do not put products directly on the brows for 6 weeks if they contain ingredients AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids ), BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acids) or Vitamin A, Retinol. Also please avoid direct sunlight and sunbeds until your brows have fully healed…the harmful rays of the sun can dramatically fade the implanted pigment.
Can I have the treatment when pregnant?Unfortunately, the treatment isn’t suitable while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Treatment also not suitable for persons with diabetes.
You need to be fit and well on the day of treatment.
Do not do heavy exercise 24 hours before procedure.
No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure.
Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.
Do not take Aspirin, or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.
You must be over the age of 18.
Discontinue Retin-A at least 4 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).
Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).
Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be avoided 3 weeks prior to procedure.
No brow waxing, tinting, or threading one week prior …the more natural hair growth you have, the better!
Avoid Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion or facials for 4 weeks prior to procedure.
Makeup to your eye and brow area must be removed 1 hour prior to your appointment.
Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
Keep the the brow area clean and dry…follow cleaning routine for the first 2 days carefully.
Allow eyebrows to air dry before applying ointment. Apply the after care ointment given for 14 days with a cotton bud.
DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause pigment loss.
You may get some swelling or redness around the brow area but that is normal and should go within the first day or two..
Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds until brows are completely healed.
Avoid pool, sauna, steam rooms, hot showers/hot baths for 3 weeks.
No heavy exercise for a full 10 days after treatment as sweating can affect pigment retention.
Avoid sleeping on your face/brows for the first 10 days.
Keep your fringe and hair pulled back from your face for the first 10 days.
No makeup or skincare products to be used directly on the treated area for two weeks.
Please note: Eyebrows will appear darker and bolder due to natural healing for the first two weeks.